CTMail® Unified Messaging
Automatic attendant, fax and ivr server
Integrated automatic attendant, voicemail, audio text, fax server, IVR system and the most modern unified messaging (fax, voice, email) solution with voice recognition and text-to-speech features. CTMAIL® integrates with telephone systems using digital, analog (Inband/Outband) technology and IP and with most email servers.
Integrate communications:
Integrate your company’s communications to the most modern automatic attendant, voicemail, IVR, fax server and unified messaging system.
Flexible and robust system:
Enjoy a robust and flexible system with modular architecture designed for small and large companies alike with basic and advanced features suited to fit your needs.
Personalize your automatic attendant:
Customize your automatic attendant and voicemail to fit your needs.
Efficient communication:
Allow your employees to communicate effectively and can count on voice messages, faxes, and emails at any time.
Improve your customer service:
Improve your customer service giving them immediate phone attention and information access.
Easily obtain reports:
Access IVR use reports such as number of calls, number of successful transactions and average customer attention time.
CTMAIL® Voicemail:
Manage voice messages and fax using a single solution and integrate all company messaging. Unified messaging: Access all your voice messages and fax in your inbox and email integrated in a unique interface or receive lost calls as email notifications. Many features, one solution: Suppliers, technology, and company size are not a concern for CTMAIL®, it guarantees voice messages and fax.
IVR construction:
Construct menus, trees, and options in a friendly environment, provide audio or text-to-speech options, transfers and voicemail solutions to your clients and integrate ODBC data sources such as databases and Microsoft Excel files.
CTMail® automatic attendant:
Improve telephone service for your customers with CTMail® Automatic Attendant.
Bespoke application:
Configure your attendant by company, schedule, holidays, and languages to better suit your needs.
Advanced features:
Rely on automatic attendants who will notify you before a call is rerouted or answer a call that you are unable to personally respond to.
Advanced IVR:
Integrate your PBX and IVR into your corporate applications like CRM and ERPs through CTI and offer on-demand and dynamic fax services.
CTMail® LiteVox-IVR systems:
Construct IVR systems to automate and optimize your company’s processes.
Hotel and Medical Center/Clinics solutions:
Provide better customer service, voicemail and fax, minibar, mobile call rerouting, among others.
CTMail® Fax Mail:
Your company can rely on the most modern reception and fax messaging solution, adjusted to suit current market needs like: Fax sending and receiving with email integration. Web interface for fax inquiring and mass faxing. Multifunction printer integration. On-demand fax. IVR CTMAIL® LiteVox and CTI integration.
CTMail® automatic attendant
Allow user to communicate and leave messages without needing a receptionist.
Forward voice messages to different voicemails after a predetermined time.
Create ques for busy extensions.
Forward or reroute calls straight to voicemail without them ringing your end of the call.
If a user is new to the system, configure your voicemail to guide them using spoken instructions.
Use this feature to transfers calls or input information into the system.
Record specific conversations. CTMail® Remote Recording allows authorized users to record on-line conversations that are forwarded to voicemail once they’ve ended.
Send messages to various people simultaneously; the system enables the possibility of creating private and corporate distribution lists through the user web interface.
Configure CTMail® to be the attendant for multiple companies or departments, with different greetings, languages, and personalized options for each.
Allow user to connect to an extension or department of your company, as well as providing options for leaving messages, call other extensions or be transferred to a different attendant.
Playback prerecorded information to your clients. CTMail® enables the creation of information lines for system users, offering instructions about services, office directions or completing a form.
Envíe mensajes de texto convertidos en voz a quien lo está llamando en momentos que no pueda atenderlo. Por ejemplo: “estoy ocupado en estos momentos, en cuanto termine lo llamaré”.
Request name and company from the caller and allow the user to respond, transfer them to a different attendant or to voicemail.
Configure attendants for day, night and holiday shifts with behaviors and menus customized adjusted for the shift.
Know who called when you were unable to answer, CTMAIL® uses email notifications to inform you of every missed call.
Fax Server (Faxmail®)
Turn your automatic attendant into a fax server, receive and send fax messages as emails with attached documents.
Eliminate the need for fax machines, saving time when sending documents and money on stationery expenses.
Use a modern web-based interface to send and receive faxes from any place.
Create and load contact lists for mass faxing.
Improve your fax style and presentation with personalized templates or use the mail merge feature to generate dynamic faxes.
Deliver dynamic faxes to your clients using CTMail® LiteVox by connecting to databases or information systems.
CTMail® Voicemail
Create, send, receive, resend, and save voice messages and faxes. Now your users can manage their messages from their phones or their emails.
Provide each employee with a unique and secure locker where they can store their voice messages, faxes and missed calls notifications.
Create mailboxes that are unassociated with voice message receiving extensions.
Create separate mailboxes for different people who share an extension.
CTMail® Unified Messaging
Completely integrate CTMail® to your email server (Exchange, Lotus Notes, Postfix, Qmail and Novell Group Wise) to notify, send a voice message copy or fax through email.
Listen to your email messages from any place through the CTMail® e-Reader module.
OA&M administration and management web interface
Allow your users to consult their voice messages, new and saved faxes, and missed call notifications at any moment from any place.
CTMail® relies on a report module that adjusts to your needs (received and realized calls, transferred calls, calls to voicemail, consumption in erlangs, among others)
CTMail® Litevox IVR System
Incorporate your phone system into other sources of information. The LiteVox IVR module incorporates features to access databases through OLE DB and ODBC.
Additional integrations
Create, send, receive, resend, and save voice messages and faxes. Now your users can manage their messages from their phones or their emails.
Thanks to CTI integration, obtain additional information from your calls such as agent ID, universal call ID (UCID), campaign identifier and personalized business information like business ID or invoice numbers.
Extend your system’s IVR and audio text features developing applications that interact with CTMail® through XML and RPC. Ideal for information services that use databases, sockets, or Web services.
CTMail® passed the Avaya Devconnect Test

CTMail® Avaya DevConnect
Here at Calltech S.A., we are proud of and want to share with you the Avaya Aura® compatibility certification of our CTMail® Automatic Attendant, voicemail, fax server, IVR system.
It is a great pleasure presenting you with our DevConnect Compliance Testing certification with Avaya’s Avaya Aura® Communication Manager r6.3, Avaya Aura® System Manager r6.3 and Avaya Aura® Session Administrator r6.3.
Calltech S.A.’s CTMail® solution has finalized testing by the DevConnect technical team and is officially recognized as compatible on the 28th of May 2015.
The objective of this interoperability compatibility test was to verify that CTMail®can interoperate with Avaya Aura® Communication Manager r6.3 and Avaya Aura® Session Manager r6.3. CTMail® connects with Avaya Aura® Communication Manager through Avaya Aura® Session Manager.
CTMail®is integrated with analog, digital or IP phone systems, as well as most email servers available on the market.
The objective of this test was to manually send PSTN calls to CTMail®users or direct calls to CTMail® and verify the welcome message for each feature of the solution (CTMail® automatic attendant, CTMail® Voicemail and CTMail® IVR system). During the compliance test, an analog port in Communication Manager is connected to an external fax machine to send and receive fax from and to CTMail®.
Interoperability compatibility tests included feature tests and service capacity. The purpose of the tests is to verify the interoperability of CTMail® in an Avaya telephony system which includes Communication Manager, Session Manager, and various final points.
All executed test cases successfully passed. CTMail® successfully interoperated in an Avaya telephony system.

Avaya Devconnect Compliance Testing CTMail® Results
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